LIC’s New Tech Term (Plan No. 954, UIN – 512N351V01)

Have you heard about LIC’s New Tech Term Plan? It’s a simple life insurance plan that can give you and your loved ones financial protection. You don’t need to worry about investing your money – this plan takes care of that for you. If something happens to you during the plan’s term, your family will … Read more

LIC’s SARAL JEEVAN BIMA (Plan No. 859, UIN:512N341V01)

Have you heard about the new life insurance policy from LIC? It’s called LIC SARAL JEEVAN BIMA, or Plan 859. This policy is designed to give you and your family protection and money security if something bad happens to you while you have the policy. It’s a simple kind of life insurance that doesn’t give … Read more

LIC’s Health Plus Plan 901 Features and Maturity Calculator

Have you heard about LIC’s Health Plus Plan 901? It’s a special long-term health insurance plan that gives complete health coverage for your whole family. It also lets you invest money. The plan provides Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB) and Major Surgical Benefit (MSB) for you, your spouse, and your children. Plus, it has a Unit-Linked … Read more

LIC’s Jeevan Kiran (Plan No. 870, UIN: 512N353V01)

LIC has a new plan for you called Jeevan Kiran (Plan No. 870). It’s a simple savings plan that also gives you life insurance. With Jeevan Kiran, you can save money and make sure your family has money if something happens to you. UIN: 512N353V01 Overview With LIC’s Jeevan Kiran, you can make sure your … Read more

LIC’s New Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Plan (UIN: 512N281V03)

Hey there! Let me tell you about LIC’s New Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Plan. It’s a simple insurance plan that helps bosses take care of the gratuity money they need to give their workers. This plan makes it easy for bosses to save up the money over time, so they have enough to pay their … Read more

LIC’s Jeevan Labh (Plan No. 936, UIN No. 512N304V02)

LIC‘s amazing plan called Jeevan Labh. It’s a super helpful insurance and investment plan all rolled into one. With Jeevan Labh, you can protect your family financially and save up money at the same time. Isn’t that great? So here’s how it works. You pay money (called premiums) for a set amount of time. During … Read more

LIC’s NEW JEEVAN ANAND (PLAN No. 915, UIN: 512N279V02)

If you’re looking for lifelong financial security, LIC’s NEW JEEVAN ANAND plan (UIN: 512N279V02) could be a great choice for you. It’s a simple savings and insurance plan from LIC. You pay money regularly and LIC gives you guaranteed benefits. They also give extra bonuses sometimes. So your savings can grow over time. And the … Read more

LIC’s Bima Jyoti (Plan no. 860, UIN No. 512N339V02)

Are you looking for a way to protect your loved ones and save money at the same time? LIC’s Bima Jyoti might be just what you need! It’s a simple life insurance plan that gives you both protection and savings benefits. If something happens to you, your family will get financial support. And while you’re … Read more